The Block Brothas, consisting of the two EJay (Left) and J.Smiles
(Right). Many have tried to make it in this viscous rap game, some
have succeeded and numerous have failed. The Blockbrothas come straight
out of Harlem ready to tear the rap game apart. Eric the oldest of the
two better known as E-Jay began rapping in his teenage years, after
being influenced by his uncle and his younger brother.
His raspy recording voice makes the listeners gravitate to him in an
incredible way. E-Jay once had basketball dreams, but that shortly was
out the window when he got exposed to the melodies which he soon feel
in love with.
Jermaine Smiley known as J.Smiles, but prefers his stage name as JDot
Smiles. J.Smiles has been surrounded by music all
his life and quickly adapted to the once hobby, now to a career of
making what he calls “everyday life melodies”. J.Smiles's ear for music
has shaped him into a versatile rapper and songwriter. His
direction of music goes far beyond the typical industry songs you hear
today. Known for his catchy similes, metaphors, and life story
lyrics. With the devotion the Blockbrothas determined the top where
they belong.
(Right). Many have tried to make it in this viscous rap game, some
have succeeded and numerous have failed. The Blockbrothas come straight
out of Harlem ready to tear the rap game apart. Eric the oldest of the
two better known as E-Jay began rapping in his teenage years, after
being influenced by his uncle and his younger brother.
His raspy recording voice makes the listeners gravitate to him in an
incredible way. E-Jay once had basketball dreams, but that shortly was
out the window when he got exposed to the melodies which he soon feel
in love with.
Jermaine Smiley known as J.Smiles, but prefers his stage name as JDot
Smiles. J.Smiles has been surrounded by music all
his life and quickly adapted to the once hobby, now to a career of
making what he calls “everyday life melodies”. J.Smiles's ear for music
has shaped him into a versatile rapper and songwriter. His
direction of music goes far beyond the typical industry songs you hear
today. Known for his catchy similes, metaphors, and life story
lyrics. With the devotion the Blockbrothas determined the top where
they belong.
Blockbrothas - Never Been

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