Featured Article
  • Sunday Inspiration: Kid President

    Kid President How was everyone's week? Gearing up for next week I thought you'd like a pep talk. If you haven't seen this video, it's definitely one to keep in your favorites. Kid President is a 9 year old child named Bobby who has Osteogenesis Imperfecto which is a brittle bone condition that...
  • Sunday Inspiration: Music Motivation: How Music Affects Your Mood

    How Music Affects Us If you're like me, then you probably need a good half hour or hour of music to start off your day. Sometimes there are songs that resonate in us, give us hope, encouragement, and revitalize our motivations. According to Healthline.com "listening to music can lift (or...
  • Urbane Spotlight: Fuze the MC

    Fuze the MC I recently had the opportunity to speak to Atlanta lyricist Fuze the MC. Fuze the MC is a rising lyricist who in 2010 Big Boi, proclaimed "the dopest nigga of the year". Now Fuze may have been born and bred from the city of Southern rap's elite, but he is also a student at the...
  • Urbane Spotlight -Wonda-

    I got a chance to interview and have a conversation with Chicago native rapper, Wonda. Stumbling upon Wonda's, "The Naked Girl From The Internet" mix-tape, at first listen I could tell that he was going for a different feel than most artist. The sampling throughout the whole tape had me...
  • Urbane Spotlight -Jamal Jackson-

    Jamal is a nineteen year old freelance photographer who is located in Orangeburg, SC. He fell in love with photography in 2010 and has been thinking, sleeping, eating, and breathing the visual medium ever since. His photography can be classified as street photography because his shots feature...
  • Sunday Inspiration: Word Is, Love Is...Blind

    Word is, love is...blind. Eyes, disagree. For with this love I have never seen more clearly into myself, through her. Good morning! I hope you all had a fruitful week last week and are getting yourselves prepared for another one. It is evidently cuffing season so I decided to make this...
  • Sunday Inspiration: Kid President

    Kid President How was everyone's week? Gearing up for next week I thought you'd like a pep talk. If you haven't seen this video, it's definitely one to keep in your favorites. Kid President is a 9 year old child named Bobby who has Osteogenesis Imperfecto which is a brittle bone condition that...
  • Sunday Inspiration: Music Motivation: How Music Affects Your Mood

    How Music Affects Us If you're like me, then you probably need a good half hour or hour of music to start off your day. Sometimes there are songs that resonate in us, give us hope, encouragement, and revitalize our motivations. According to Healthline.com "listening to music can lift (or...
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Submissions Guidelines

Please refer to the guidelines below on how to properly submit materials for consideration on UrbaneMG. All submissions that are received in the incorrect format will not be considered for feature. When readying your submission be sure to have these specific contents within your email. Please keep in mind you are sending a professional pitch or submission, therefore remember to have proper grammar and punctuation. Spell check! Thanks!

For Musicians
Musicians of any genre: 
  • Brief introduction of who you are
  • Professional or clear photograph of you
  • Music video
  • Footage of live performance
  • Hyperlinks to other audio
  • Social media handles

For Clothing Lines/Designers
For owners of a clothing line, or designers:
  • Brief introduction of who you are
  • Professional or clear photographs of your merchandise
  • Video footage of participation in fashion shows if available
  • Hyperlink to website or online store
  • Social media handles

For Photographers/Artists
Photographers and Artists are highly encouraged to submit their work as well. Artists of any format(graphic design, sketch art, paint, etc):
  • Brief introduction of who you are
  • Professional or clear photographs of your work
  • Hyperlink to website or blog for viewing work
  • Where can your work be found/Is it for Sale
  • Social media handles

We enjoy showcasing those that are putting forth the effort to contribute great things into the world. Philanthropists and Entrepreneurs are welcome to tell us the story about their endeavors:
  • Brief introduction of who you are
  • Professional or clear photograph of you
  • What is your endeavor about/Mission
  • How long have you been in operation
  • Where are you based
  • Are you a registered organization/In the process of registration
  • Social media handles
All submissions are to be sent to urbanemarketinggroup@gmail.com. If you have any inquiries about your submission feel free to contact us via email or via our social media handles Trice(@TheSmall_Joys) or Halle(MszHalle). We look forward to learning and sharing about you, your talent, and your story!

Keeping A Close Eye On What's Next | Urbane M&MG


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