The Big Mix is returning this year with 18 brands, two of which are female based. Instead of one event it will be a weekend long celebration of quality street wear clothing and creating a premiere location within South Carolina.
Not only is Charleston hosting a major event, but one of its natives is celebrating his 3 year anniversary of his clothing line LuChi Royale, "Justin Wages, Founder/CEO of LuChi Royale invited KJ Kearney of H1GHER LEARNING and his publicist (Tawana Tee), Fly or Die Nation to discuss a pop-up shop event to commemorate his 3 year anniversary. The group met in July at the Barnes & Noble in North Charleston, and began to throw around ideas. Sounding very familiar to both KJ and Tawana, they told the group about the BIG MIX."
Justin will also be releasing the Fall/Winter line of of LuChi Royale with the BLVCK MVNSION Collection. He views this past year as a successful one that he is very proud of. With the improvements of quality and production Justin believes they are now in a position for major growth.
For The Big Mix, Justin is constantly contemplating on how to make it better, and the process smoother. Just like KJ Kearney, he also wants to see an improvement in the street wear culture in Charleston and the Carolinas and wholeheartedly believes that The Big Mix is that gateway.LuChi Royale's previous style slogan was "Genesis of Royalty" which at the time represented a new direction for the company. Now it is "Quality is Luxury" and the belief that quality should always be the priority over quantity. "Reserved for Royalty", another new tagline also emphasizes on the expansion from the previous years pertaining to the quality of the product, their new direction of style, and the creative construction behind the brand.
(Preview of fall collection)
LuChi Royale celebrates their 3 year anniversary today October 14th, and are excited to be preparing for The Big Mix. For more information please see press release written by publicist Tawana Tolbert.
Connect with Big Mix & LuChi Royale
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