Word is, love is...blind. Eyes, disagree. For with this love I have never seen more clearly into myself, through her.
Good morning! I hope you all had a fruitful week last week and are getting yourselves prepared for another one. It is evidently cuffing season so I decided to make this week's Sunday post on "love and affection". So this may not pertain to everyone, but for those who are contemplating settling down not just for the winter months, and those who are currently in a relationship, I had you in mind. However, if you like a little dope poetry, have a seat. Stay a while.
Lustful Losses by The Tiny Queen
Love should not be predictable, it should be passionate, it should not be harmful, although it should test you. Love should inspire you to challenge yourself and explore new perspectives.
Remember, Sunday inspiration isn't just for Sunday's, so come back whenever you feel the need & check out our previous Sunday posts. Have a great week!
Lustful Losses by The Tiny Queen
What kind of relationship do you want? That's one thing that you should know about yourself. One thing that women do, is they attempt to play a game that honestly we aren't good at. We become enamored with a man that knows, he doesn't want a relationship, just relationship benefits. However we believe that that can change. Believe me, no matter how much you bat your eye lashes, cook dinner, answer those texts at booty call hours, it won't change. So what do you want? Above is a poem I wrote a few years ago on how too often relationships are ruined because physically, we know what we want and all too prematurely we allow ourselves to be overcome by sexual desire and what could be a relationship is sacrificed. I'm not saying this is always the case. I've seen people be married and live happily ever after following what was initially a one night stand. However, at some point both individuals came to an understanding. Which doesn't always happen. A woman can't change a man and the lifestyle they want to live, and a man can't change a woman or the lifestyle they chose to live. If a hoe miraculously becomes a housewife, it's because she secretly always wanted to become a housewife, she was just waiting on the right guy to do it. So, you can turn a hoe into a housewife.
We multiply Ying & Yang to see how many times we can duplicate the Big Bang...in our bedroom. In our conversation. In our silence. In our occupations...13 of Nazareth's "Word Is" is undoubtedly one of my all time favorite pieces. The poem is based off the biblical scriptures: Ephesians 5:25-28
25. Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it; 26. That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word, 27. That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish. 28. So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies. He that loveth his wife loveth himself.Again, what kind of relationship do you want. Once you find yourself in a place where you want to be committed to one and only one individual, and them committed to you, you have to know what kind of relationship that is. The boundaries, the expectations, and moral codes. People find themselves in a relationship and in love with people who take advantage and abuse them mentally, physically, spiritually, and verbally. You have to know yourself enough to say, "If this ever happen to me, it's a deal breaker" or "If this ever happened to me he/she is a keeper". There should be a standard where you love and respect yourself first, because if you don't care about yourself, that will give others the initiative to mistreat you. Do you deserve to be loved as Christ loved the Church?
Love should not be predictable, it should be passionate, it should not be harmful, although it should test you. Love should inspire you to challenge yourself and explore new perspectives.
Word is, love is...blind. But eyes disagree. For they've never seen so clearly to reap her near me. I'm Christ. She's Church...So, I hope you enjoyed today's post & it gives you something to think about during these cuffing season months. Know a couple that may enjoy this? Let them know, don't be selfish. If you have a suggestion, story, etc for Sunday Inspiration contact me at urbanemarketinggroup@gmail.com or twitter @TheTinyQueen.
Remember, Sunday inspiration isn't just for Sunday's, so come back whenever you feel the need & check out our previous Sunday posts. Have a great week!
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