Kinky & Carl E.
I recently came across this amazing and creative blog for naturosapiens, as the writers calls it, from Strawberricurls while on twitter one day. It is an ingenious comic series that portrays the life of an African-American woman that is 'team natural' or has all natural hair, through a heroine named Kinky from planet Nu Groath. This comic wholeheartedly expresses the highs and the lows of being an African-American woman, but overall praises the essence of black femininity and power through her biracial husband Carl E.(Curly). You see what they did there? As a black woman who is also natural I hope to see this comic go far. Below is just a few questions we asked the creators of Kinky & Carl E. to answer that we thought you'd be interested in knowing as well. Fellow naturosapiens or not, I hope you enjoy.
Who are the writers?
D. Rickerson and G.E. Allen are the writers of the natural hair comic "Kinky & Carl E."
Who is the illustrator?
The comic is illustrated by Derrick Canyon. He's a great artist and more of his work can be found at http://derrickcanyon.deviantart.com/
When was it created?
Well it's been in the works since late 2011, but came to fruition in early 2012.
How did this concept come about to create not only a comic series on women with natural hair, but the main character as a disguised heroine in an interracial relationship?
We wanted to make sure we captured the essence of not only the natural haired woman but African American women period. If a person stopped and took a look at the daily tasks and responsibilities of most African American women, the first thought that would come to the mind of most is Superwoman, which is what Kinky personifies. Sadly enough though, this usually goes unnoticed by those closest to them, which is personified in Carl E. Kinky's adopted parents being Caucasian and Carl E. being the son of an interracial relationship is something that just kind of "happened" in the creative process and it worked so we stuck with it.
What do you love about women with natural hair?
What I love most would have to be the strength and courage, because it's not easy to go against societal norms, and to do such with style definitely deserves praise.
Using this comic series, what do you want to convey to women with natural hair?
We want to make natural hair just that, Natural. As of now, natural hair is generally viewed with judging eyes, sometimes by our own people, as if this isn't the hair you're born with! We want to make natural hair the normal thing to do. African Americans not only spend dollars on products that are damaging to our hair and bodies because of this, but the money being spent isn't staying in our communities. Most of our beauty supply stores are foreign owned. Don't get me wrong, this is in no way us being racist, but it's about time we start supporting ourselves and building up our community. And we figured a comic was a great medium to make our people aware and add a little humor along the way, because who doesn't like to laugh?
What's Kinky's favorite hair product?
As of now, it's Oyin Handmade Hair Dew, she can't get enough of it!
What does Carl E. love about Kinky most?
It would have to be her stand up for what you believe in attitude, she doesn't sit idly by at any injustice of any sort.
Will Carl E. ever realize that Kinky is a superhero?
Well, we can't give out spoilers just yet, so we'll just have to keep reading and see!
Where would you like to see Kinky & Carl E. go in the future? A movie? TV Series?
We would love to see Kinky & Carl E. formulate into a cartoon on an popular African American network in the future and we're steadily working towards that goal to get the message out to as many people as we can.
Do you think Kinky would fit in with The Avengers, X-Men, or Justice League?
We touch on that in some upcoming issues, but for the most part, Kinky's in a class of her own simply because, like most Afro-American women, her superhero cape never comes off. Whether fighting crime or taking care of home , she's on the job!
If you loved the interview, make sure you share the goods! Natural? Go to their tumblr & start reading. Even if you're not natural, support our culture and enjoy the comic anyway. Reading up on Kinky & Carl E.'s antics becomes addictive, but a good addiction!
Keeping A Close Eye -UMG, Latrice S.
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